Our goal is to assist you in understanding what services entail. That’s why we’ve listed some of our most commonly asked questions for you below! While we strive to cover various topics, please keep in mind that for specific inquiries related to your insurance policy, it’s best to directly contact your insurance provider.

Do we pay out the excess to you?

You may be required to pay an excess prior to any repairs being carried out. Generally, the insurer will request the excess to be collected by us, the authorised Builder. We will send this excess invoice along with your scope of work and it will outline the methods of payment we accept.

When will my repairs commence and how long will they take?

Once the scope of works is accepted by you and the applicable excess is paid we will contact you to advise the engagement of our local trades. We will always strive to commence at the earliest possible time however this is dependent on the type of repair, material availability and  weather.

Where will I live while you're doing the repairs?

The insurance company will determine where you live if your home is unlivable. This is generally the case when there is no functioning kitchen or bathroom. Most repairs outside of this don’t warrant temporary accommodation so the client will need to remain in the home.

What does Make Safe mean?

"Make safe" refers to coverage provided to individuals or businesses who require immediate assistance in securing their property and preventing further damage. At Barden, we specialise in working with insurance companies to facilitate the claims process and perform necessary repairs. Our team is well-versed in handling make safe insurance situations, ensuring your property is secured promptly.

What if I find more damage once the assessment has been done by Barden Constructions?

Please advise us if you have located further damage to your home and we will assess this damage and provide this to your Insurer for review. If the damage is deemed part of the same claim event, then this will be added to your repair scope of works.

Do you use local trades?

Barden Constructions have our own in-house professional trade team as well as locally sourced trades. Materials are also locally sourced to ensure repairs are prompt and more importantly we are supporting and reinvesting in our local community.

Do I get to choose my own colours or items to be replaced?

Prior to any repairs taking place we encourage you to advise of any colour preferences or replacement choices however please note that the Insurer does stipulate ‘like for like’ replacement so if you do choose a colour or replacement item that is more costly to replace or involves more labour we will need to discuss this with you and perhaps the option of covering the difference yourself for the upgrade. Barden Constructions will always ensure you get to have your say in the way your home is repaired and will do our utmost to fulfill these wishes within the Insurer’s policy guidelines.

Couldn't Find the Answer You Were Looking For?

If you have additional questions or couldn't find the information you were seeking, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to contact our team at Barden Constructions today. We're committed to providing further assistance and guiding you through the complexities of construction work and insurance claims.

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